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Tiger's blog

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Another quick post about what's up & coming for next year. (Read More)

I know we said awhile back we were going to raise the level cap, but we had a number of upcoming things also related to regard and I wanted to make sure I really had it all thought through before we announced anything. These are our current plans for moving forward with regard, and while none of these changes have been made yet, I’m giving everyone the official “heads up” this is what is coming soon. (Read more)

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Tons of super rare/unique items from 14 breedable companies! This will be your last reminder on our blog about the upcoming RFL auction! The auction is tomorrow, but please don't forget if you want to bid offsite, you need to prereg today!!! (Read more)

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Wow, what an amazing year it's been for us all here at Malevay Studios and for all our players! Thank you all so much for your love, help, and support, without you all we never would have rocketed to the top! (Read more)

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Aaaaaaaand the lil Elf Roos have finally finished sewing up all the cute little holiday costumes! Direct link to the winter area in Roo here:

WHAT: WW of Meeroos Breedable Pet Show Q&A Session at RFL

WHEN: Thursday, December 8th @ 11am SLT

WHO: Tiger, Chimeric confirmed. Hopefully Catherine and Moxie will make it. Oh and most importantly... YOU !!!


Happy Holidays!!! Hope everyone is enjoying the new holiday content and yes, the costumes are still being sewn up!


Lately we have released quite a bit of new content, on top of a some old latent traits that are now all working their way out, and we've seen a lot of new exciting things popping out across the grid. (Read more)

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Meeroos will be present at the SL Christmas 2011 Expo this year supporting Relay for Life there. There is a special area featuring all the popular breedables sponsored by The Breeders Borough.

Also, there is an Avi Choice Awards going on right now here:

You may find a few new UNDISCOVERED items in it... Enjoy the holidays!

UPDATE: These are Diurnals. They will come from your existing 'Roos for free.



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