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Password never working for forum o.0

Kraven Gothly's picture

First off i know i tend to break things alot so this could be me doing soemthing wrong but i have used fourms for donkey ages so hopfully its soemthing simple and im just being a bit dumb lol

But each and ever time i want to log into the forum , it never remebers my password. I use firefox and have it set to remember as well as nortan's security as well so its saved twice as well as being soemthing ill know and not forget easy.
The only way i can log in is to reset my password everytime and have a link sent to my email so i can get in but when i come back again, same issue and i dont know what im doing wrong :O

Im not sure if its somethign with the forum and it doesnt wanna remember it or if i should just make a new account or if that would just mess things up more as far as my code number thingy that is saved.

Any clues or ideas as to help with this as its kinda annoying to have to request a password reset everytime i wanna check out the forum :<

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