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Giving feedback on some issues here

Epona Megadon's picture

First I would like to say that CSR were wonderful last night. They were calm and "Very" Patient. Well Done!

So last night: Got my trunk, got the food and home out, took out the nest. None would birth. This morning, they still will not birth, which I sort of figured they wouldn't. (But was missing two of my rescue meeroos.) I am getting the same error message that was being spammed in chat last night.

Also, we were told to detach our huds and reattach, after doing this: I was no longer in our fellowship, and all my regards were gone. This too has been pointed out in chat and forums.

That is my feedback and issues I am having! Wishing the Dev team a whole lot of luck!

Epona Megadon ~ Marenwolf

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