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* Duplicate Created* Updater Error (Auto-Updated While Being Held)

Sturm Hellershanks's picture


Shifty Meeroo #41995 was being held when the stump automagically started updating him.

1) The new version of him dropped to the ground, updated.
2) The old version of him was still attached to me. With the red text "UPDATING, DO NOT PICK UP" etc.
3) New version of him did fine and went to stump.
4) I then 'Dropped' the old version of him and he was standing still unresponsive. HUD showed his stats but no hover text.
5) About 3 minutes later:

[21:39] Shifty Meeroo: Update failed. Please try again later.
[21:39] Shifty Meeroo: AI Script Online. Free: 2082

6) There are now 2 Shifty Meeroos. One is 0.77 then other 0.79. Both display hover text and are responsive to the HUD (i.e. being petted etc).

7) 7 Minutes later:
[21:44] Shifty Meeroo: The Second Life Asset server created a duplicate Meeroo #41995. This extra one is being released to the wild.

Perhaps put in a check not to update if llGetAttached().

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