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7 Stones have risen

Catherine's picture

Our dryad meeroos have brought some enchantment with them. They have aligned themselves at the four points of the compass and 7 great rune etched stones have appeared from deep underground. Each stone is unique and encrusted with differnt color gems, and when you tap them, the seem to make individual sounds. We're going to need your help understanding this puzzle, friends, but it is critical we do so to understand their message. This week, we'll be sending each of you these stones. But they must be rezzed in the company of your dryads in order to work properly. Once you erect these anomalous stones, play around with them. The first of you who manages to manifest anything from it should take a screenshot and send it to me, Catherine farspire, in second life. You will be rewarded for being the first to decipher the messengers warning.

Expect a special delivery from us this coming week!