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Evangelina Beaumont's picture

maybe someone will answer that topic...
i´ve wrote many tickest and updates of my tickets...
asked for my koi girl, that i coaxt and at the other day she was gone...
they asked me if i gave them the right ID, YES i did, but than? nothing else, they stopped talking to me again...
today i found out... my koi girl is alive, she is almost 5 days old and she gets regards..., so.. someone is petting her... but... NOT me.

i DONT have given her away.. i DONT have sold her. a person i don´t know has stolen her, or maybe i bought a copy botted nest and NO ONE will help me... i have sended all the dates i have with the tickes... transaction history, the URL to the koi girl i found and it IS the same ID AND the dates of my highland boy (her partner) coaxt almost the same time... still the SAME ...NO ONE will talk to me or do something...

ALL i want to KNOW is... why the h** is someone able to take my roo without leaving a trace??? theres is NOTHING at my history list! with and without the 0$ linden history! and WHERE is my girl? WHO has her? THAT can HAPPEN to ANYONE of you!

if someone knows something about it, PLEASE tell it to me..

here are some datas i can share with you...

here i have found her at the WWoM homepage:

that is from my history:
Empfänger: ***** Clarity
Object Sale Region: Red Barn Meeroos Beschreibung:
Meeroo Nest ID #1589624

this is her partner:
ID#: 1645326
Date Born: 2011-09-06 06:16:19 (as you see..almost the same time)
Status: Being Raised
Age: 4
Generation: 5

i am a german girl and i can´t write english as good as i want to... but i hope that ISN`T the reason why you left me alone and think... uhm... what can she do from germany.. she will forgett it someday... but i WONT cause i bought that koi for A LOT OF MONEY.. for ME it is a lot! and i will NOT give up till i KNOW what happened and WHERE she is!

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