
Recently, we engaged the community in a discussion regarding their feelings about "Specials" and "Limited Editions." Over the last few months, from the release of the Dryads, which were effectively a playable character from our Lore that we heavily debated releasing publicly, we knew some of you have very mixed feelings.
Some people wanted Halloween Special Editions when asked if the group at the time wanted something special for the season. In fact, an overwhelming majority active during the conversation voiced their interest, with a couple of caveats! They didn't want it to have new set of genetics because they felt it would hurt the current marketplace - and some people have been working very hard for months now to achieve their goals and don't want to see those efforts sabotaged by a shiney new Meeroo-of-the-Moment.
Others said they'd like something, but didn't want to add another mouth to feed to their crowded homes.
From very early on, we made the statement that "Specials" were not on our docket. They Dryads were unique in that they were an integral part of an ongoing storyline. But as for tossing out sparkling specials each week, we said we didn't want to compete with our customers in the Marketplace or have your efforts feel negated by our actions, and we've held true to that.
But, it is Halloween after all, and it happens to be my personal favorite time of year, and those of you who have ever wished you could dress up your Meeroos to celebrate, this is your chance.
A series of Costume Kits will soon be available at the Roo Headquarters. These kits will allow you to dress up your favorite Meeroo in a festive costume! They aren't too fond of the idea, though. We tried dozens on ours and they just kept taking them off. However, they didn't seem to mind five of the costumes, and we believe yours won't either.
The costume kit will dress your Meeroo in a costume of your choice using a painters pallet. This costume will last as long as you want it too. When you get tired of your Meeroos seasonal outfit, you can get a bar of soap to wash him clean and restore him to his original coat if you like. Or, if you don't mind the smell, you can let him or her wear it forever. The choice is yours.
You won't have to add another Meeroo to your family, or feed an extra mouth, as it will work on any Meeroo already living with you.
These costumes are only available until November 1st, when they will be placed in storage.
The cost of a Costume kit is $L 350, and has a one time use, on one Meeroo. The Wash-Away Soap will cost the same.
You'll be able to dress them up as a Bunny Rabbit in pajamas, a Ghost, a Skeleton, a Monster or a Mummy. They might forgive our bizarre mortal traditions if you take them Trick-or-Treating.
In addition, there is an extremely limited, blacklight Skeleton costume that will not be available for sale - instead, it will have to be won. That's right, you heard correctly! But more on our Witching Hour games later.
We look forward to seeing your Meeroos in their festivity costumes soon!
- Catherine's blog
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