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Duplicate Roo, Nest Changing Before Eyes, Etc. There is hope!

celestepaule's picture

Regarding the other topics on this, I had a similar issue happen to me the other day and I had read the posts in the forum earlier that day so I went screencap happy and was able to send proof to Malevay and received a very encouraging response from them. Here's my support ticket with the screencaps and then the offline IM's I received from JinxMeeroo.

Support Ticket w/ Screencaps:

I just coaxed two nests #2560406 and # 2431397. Nest 2431397 produced a duplicate of 2560406 instead of the ursine st sue lazy male it was supposed to coax. The server took the duplicate roo after a bit, but my initial nest doesn't seem to have anything in it and I can't get 2431397 back. Not sure what happened exactly, but i have a screenshot of the incident and the original roo information.

Response by Customer (YOU) on 2011-11-08 19:19:08

also 2431397, the nest is still sitting on my land. I can't coax it or touch it, i'm only getting the option of opening it or taking it. I've left it where it was when I tried to coax it in the first place.

Response by Customer (YOU) on 2011-11-08 19:37:21

Notice the two exact roos??? Shortly after the server told me there was a duplicate roo and took the one that came directly out of the nest still on the screen (2431397).

Screencap of WoM page showing I didn't just make up the genetics.

Same as above.

Screencap showing the nest is actually the one I claimed it to be.

Response by Meeroos Resident on 2011-11-08 20:41:45

forwarded to meeroo vet

Response by JinxMeeroo Resident on 2011-11-10 01:52:34

assigned to myself. Waiting for nest to be transfered to me.

Offline IM's from Jinx:

JinxMeeroo ✆
1:36 AM (10 hours ago)

to me
[1:35] JinxMeeroo: Hello Celeste, I called your baby to the stump with the other you coaxed with it. Please pass me the broken nest into this IM, I will assign your ticket to myself

JinxMeeroo ✆
1:38 AM (10 hours ago)

to me
[1:37] JinxMeeroo: I can not explain to you what happend, but I am taking notes and copying your photos and sending it to Levio, our scriptor. The pictures are priceless. We have seen this very rarely but with no proof we chalk it to pilot error.
[1:37] JinxMeeroo: Thank you so very much

JinxMeeroo ✆
1:41 AM (10 hours ago)

to me
[1:39] JinxMeeroo: I am also taking readings on your sim, and I have to tell you, I have never seen sim time dilation this high. it is at a steady 1.0 and if the meter went higher it probably would. just an FYI for you

The last part is pretty crazy and I'll have to check into that with the landlord when I get online, but yay that Levio finally has undeniable proof that he can work with so hopefully none of us will have this problem or any variation of it again.

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