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Beta Comments/Bugs/Questions

Have a question? A great idea to add? Think you've found a bug? Don't be shy! We welcome all the feedback you want to share.

Trask Arabello's picture


I would like the option to have hovertext on. Even though they're cute without it, I'm having trouble tracking the lil buggers down in their cave , lol. Also would like to suggest they have caretaking text with their name and stats etc but also sales hovertext seperate if you choose to have that on at a booth. the sales text should be the coat, traits regard etc without the hunger thirst whatever type stuff. Also maybe one opion to have just their name in hovertext. That'd be a great help. thx

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Athena Pappentas's picture

Nice hello to Alluta

Hi Alluta, nice to meet you and thank you for keeping this in an ordley way :) I am Athena Pappentas and will visit often.

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The hold animation seems to be set at a lower priority than my AO, so I end up throwing the poor little guy around. Can we get the hold animation set to the highest priority, so our arms hold him right but we don't look like robots?

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Siona's picture

Experience so far..

[20:09:56] Magical Meeroo Trunk V0.75: Welcome to Open Beta! Please touch this trunk for a menu, do NOT open it and extract the contents to your inventory!
[20:10:32] Meeroo Home V0.75: Home Script Online. Free: 5442
[20:15:23] Meeroo Nest V0.75: 502 - Error reaching Meeroo DB
[20:20:28] 13 Meeroo V0.75: AI Script Online. Free: 4316
[20:20:28] 13 Meeroo V0.75: AI Script Online. Free: 4244
[20:20:33] Meeroo #8408 Meeroo: 502 - Error reaching Meeroo DB
[20:20:34] Meeroo #8377 Meeroo: Error reaching Meeroo Database!!! ()

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I got a question asking if it was a lie that shakespeare INVENTED the words champion, moonbeam and one other. I clicked yes, to indicate that it was a lie and was told I was incorrect.

A quick bit of research will show that the word champion has existed since the 12th century long before shakespeare. He was the first to use it in print, but the word already existed long before. So no, he did not invent this word.

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I have absolutely no clue how this thing works or what fellowships are or why they are important. I see people advertising land rentals for fellowships.

Where is the full documentation for Meeroos?

Thank you.

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KH's picture

Forum Format

After some difficulty trying to figure out how to make sense of this forum format, I would like to suggest the possibility of a new less archaic format, making it more user friendly. I know the PHPbb layout looks great and is easy to use, which may encourage more communication via forums going forward during our Meeroo adventures.

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After playing with the oracle tab, I have found it just as addicting as the next person, it’s great fun to watch that counter go up, to watch your regard rise, exetra. As much as I love it, I think this change will help improve the game- overall.

-Regard points gained per correct answer have a cap of either 5 or 10.

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Aisha Bruun's picture

Group Chat

I don't know if anyone else has been having this problem . But i know i have been, and don't know if it can be changed , but i thought i would mention it anyways , i relize the chat group is huge with everyone , my problem with it is this . every since the group was closed to public i have been having the problem of my group chat not opening up all together , i have relogged several times , checked my setting in the group info and all seems fine yet i keep getting msg of a error and cant open group chat , is anyone else having this problem?

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I was wondering what actually determines our rank on the leaderboard. It seems that there are some fellowships that have higher numbers of regard and also higher numbers of members but are below lower numbers.

I am wondering if they are just trying to catch up because of all the activity right now?

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