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Kappy McMinnar's picture

Dropping a Roo

Hello, I dont know if anybody else is having this issue, but my girl has had this happen twice now. She has picked up her Meeroo and held it, but when she went to go place it back down to the ground the "DROP" option is listed on the pie graph but its greyed out so you cant click it to drop the Meeroo

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I had 6 meeroos go missing the same way.

17:03] lycirooz Meeroo: The Second Life Asset server created a duplicate Meeroo #*****. This extra one is being released to the wild.

These are not Duplicates and they had food. this started under a week ago. I had a CSR told me 2 had ran off because was straving. They must not have bothered to actually read the what i put. Those meeroos had been missing for several days by the time they dealt with it. Told me to buy a whistle.

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Gloomy's picture

mischevious/shy glitch

I'm fairly sure this is a bug as it's happening with all my 'roos with various personalities.

This week, all my nests are male mischievous, female shy. No other personalities have come out. I have at least a dozen nests in this way and is consistent with sex.

Can this be addressed? Either it's just my stroke of luck or a bug itself.

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I have tried repeatedly to get details on my roos through my hud, I go to the website and it says i have to pay to get details, when i click free trial I get a pop up from some random site.

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Breee Homewood's picture

Tome data error

I have a male giant that I have had for 20 days. I just now discovered he has Indigo eyes but my Tome doesn't show that I have discovered Indigo eyes. What's up with that? How do I report that to get it fixed? Should I file a ticke?

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Flashwitt's picture


I had some roos in a playpen together- two males were in season, one female was. I took the ones I wanted to breed outside fellowship. They gave me a nest- so far so good...
But now both males are showing "too soon", despite that only one parented and one was in fellowship, the other not.
Wha's up with that?

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I bought a house in official shop when I ground it did not work and what's more I find myself now banned without knowing why could you help me explain thank you

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I bought a nest from a seller at Meeroo Market by the name of Gibril Szondi , and come to find out it was a nest that was already coaxed but is a DUPLICATE.

07/21/2011 16:21:52 9d94a206 Destination: Gibril Szondi
Object Sale
Region: Meeroo
Description: Meeroo Nest ID #663711


Meeroo ID#: 663711
Date Born: 2011-07-14 18:31:21
Status: Being Raised
Age: 6.75
Generation: 4
Births: 0
Regard: 260
Last Seen: 2011-07-21 12:40:42

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Today when i was back on SL i just touched the Meerro Stump Home and it gone red and gave me this message

✖ FAIL ✖ WRONG PERMS FOR: Meeroo Home V1.0 524288

It's strange cuz i didn't have any problem the last time i was in and used teh house.

Do someone know can i solve this problem?

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I am not able to see all the info on my hud because it is to small and there is no way to resize is. If i change my UI size it has to be lower than 0.80 and then I find it hard to see any text let alone the hud text. Will there be a update with a resizing setting? I am ejoying meeroos but this is something that needs to be fixed so i can enjoy using my hud with the meeroos.

Dose anyone have this problem?

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