Hi again, Catherine!
I know this question has already been addressed, but I kind of felt like revisiting it, following the newest discovery...
Savanna Musimo: http://www.worldofmeeroos.com/meeroos/meeroo/1395811
Pic: http://gyazo.com/0c8561590e3097cf8066d8f6fee12b1f
Here we have an ultra-rare roo, a fresh discovery... born from a rare coat father that same out of a starter chest and a rare coat mother, who's parents were rares out of starter chests.
Considering that my own breeding (not counting coats and offspring I've recently bought off the secondary market) hasn't reached beyond Autumn and Sierra since I began in May, it feels hopeless that I will ever get there :(
Maybe this sounds like a bad case of the Envies, and it probably is, but it still makes me feel very dejected and like my own efforts (not inconsiderable) will get my nowhere.
I know you've upped the chances of goodies several times, but... is it really supposed to be THIS hard?
sincerely, Gabe