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Pit Breeding 101

Rider Afterthought's picture

Why is it, people are announcing breeding skills in rl, marking charts, hypothesize on genetics, creating models, in breeding and line breeding?

Do I say its wrong to do all of this? no.
I did post on the thread asking about my pit breeding, here it is:

but the one thing i do is "limit gens to gens"!!!

this is important so you do not have any inbred buck toothed wild haired roos come a hauntin ya for yor vittles.

i "flip" mine every hour or so..

by that what im doing is re rezzing the roos "that are ready for babies"! and using everything!!! set to fellowship.

if they dont have a baby during that time, by the time an hour is up and i "flip" them, the next round or so will normally produce a nest.

this is the only thing i use and so far by my turning the tides on one week and then using my own brain with the traits that make me happy, i can say 3rd gen gave me a 3 traiter/pointer, 4th gen carried it thru the line, 5th gen gave me a 4th.

im still flipping 6's and looking at my 7's.

There is no wrong way to breed your roo, but if i know something was in bred or line bred, chances of me buying are low, I wont say i wont buy it, but if i am able to trace to where it shows, they become regard meeroos and nothing more. Personal preferences, and ideas.

I can hold class on this, since i now have been doing this since the final release, as well as closed and open beta and i have seen some fantastic results. I am currently rebuilding my sim, which is why I dont have much time to post on these forums/blogs, but I am around somewhere.. send me a nc if you are interested and I can set up a time to explain this all a bit better.

Id love to hear from anyone else on their ways and see proof of what they are getting as well as what i'd doing.. Show and Tell time boys and gurls! ;) So once i have a spot for this, I can set up times to where I can make this happen and I hope someone out there can bring charts etc..

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