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About the ears...

Lailantie Core's picture

I wonder if I'm doing anything wrong so I thought I'd get some input. My roos give me reds, autums, sierras and clear eyes. They refuse to give me any other ears, tails, heads whatever than normal. I bought a short eared female around 3 (or 4?) weeks ago, she had 6 babies with 4 different partner, none of then short ears, neither the offspring of these babies. I got another short eared girl around 2 weeks ago, two babies with two different partners, no short ears.

So, two questions started popping up.

1. My older short eared lady is an ursine and throws almost only red coats. I've seen reds with short tails but never with short ears. Can red meeroos have short ears at all? (You never know).

2. If the eye color is passed by the mother, maybe the ears are passed by the father?

Any thoughts or experiences welcome :)

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