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What i got and what i do!?!

Lillith's picture

Hi all, well this will be my first post on here. So Hi All*waves*

Well i wanted to share my experimental! I think we all do experiment one way or another with those little cute meeroos! Finally i found something fun to do on SL. :)

But i was going to write about my breeding,lol. When i got my meeroos they where from 2 to 11 in one day. O.o and was a bit of everything in there. Much happend in 18 days. and maybe im just to good lucky or soemthing but i had some succes! I still think it has to do with lottery(they still are codes, but now and then theres the thing with genetics, it's a lottery too even if you breed perfectly with your cat's (rl) etc to have a special coat or eyes on them? There's still the chance for somethign else)
And the regard so whats up with that ?

I try to match them as good as possible.
1,compatibility and Size. And generation!
3.Eyes ( this I do because my 2 orchid/dusty gave me a cleared eyed Orchid once, doesent mean they do it again)

Well to try something new i got 2 new meeroos, One Small Red, male in his generation 5 and a Small fawn female in generation 3( this one was a bit of mistake) , in season.
I didnt have more then 5 minutes before they breeded togheter when we got back home, and to my suprise i get a Sierra :O. So now i keep them mated, they seem to like eachother. And for the second season i waited to see if they got me a new one or if it just was pure luck, But now they got me an autumn?!? Wich also blew me of my chair! And here i was hoping they would give me a red one. And if it is just pure luck they give me this and i won the lottery, It would be the first time in my life for

So now i got some red ones i bought with good genetics in their past generations, and all are about 3-5 generation! And mated with one genetic above it or the same genetic age!And of course the other coats as well, all with good genetics in their background.

yesterday 3 of my meeroos was in season,
2 winecaots and a Ursine, the 2 winecoats where mated up. with same generation 3 and same eyes and of course same Size, after 2 hours they wouldnt give me another nest( they gave me a teacup in their first season) I looked around for another one in season, and was an ursine generation 4. and they mated and gave me a Red one, Hurray for me :)
now i wait with patience for the others to grow up and to see what they give me..
I'm keeping the nests they get me and going to mate them up with the other nest i get for the next generation pit?
And so hope i get some other traits to get in their genetics to. But for now we go for this! :)

I have no issues to share my "succes" with anyone either, and sorry if i write a bit confusingly! and hope no one else gets upset for me to write this!
I hope this thou could be to help for others and give them some ideas them self if they stuck.
And after all this is just my "experiment" and i think it's fun to do this! And it's breeding with codes and etc so ya never know. Lucky today, unlucky the next but i think it's funny everytime they give me a nest no mather what it is :)

My mothertounge isnt english so im sorry if I made some typing mistakes also!


((Level 15))

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