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Autopetter; dual answers withoutn proper communication

Sylvana Torres's picture

Some of us, me too, use the autopetter. when it was just introduced, lots of things been said. One of the things was; USERS would NOT be punished for using it. We only bought it, we didnt take the scripts out of the hud or anything.

Now.. I see suddenly, in the Q&A topics, the thread of people might loosing all their regards. That would be very unfair, concidering most of my regards is not from this autopetter, but from well. Just waht I always do, breed, release, etc.
Can there be a straight answer and communication about this?

Personally, I think it canot be done that regards will be taken away. Ofcourse; I realise that (probably) MAlevey can do as they wish (just as we saw with an other breedables company) but in stead of punishing the users, I think its MAleveys responsability to OR give clear communication, not change it halfway, OR change the hud. And make it impossiboe to use.
These threads made in the topic about autopetter (in answers) make me very uncomfertable and reminds me of a company I banned out of my life. !!!

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