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Upcoating - What the heck am I doing wrong.

bunni Maven's picture

I have been making nests for a few months I guess. I dont think I have upcoated ever. Every coat I have is because I had to specifically go buy it.

I have the charts and all of that.

Why oh WHY do i just get repeat coats? I have never gotten a NEW coat from my pairs. Where is the magic pixie dust for this to happen for me? I have maybe....idk...~80 nests. Nothing new. Not one. I have a snow paw - I bought my first one. Amber - bought it; Cinder - same thing. Short tail traits...had to buy one with traits to get them. When, where, how do they just magically pop up with "HERE I AM NEW!!!!"

-_- i'm starting to sort of ...idk...have a bit of interest loss because I dont seem to get new coats. I just sink my L$$ into a endless money pit to try and make new ones that never show up. Someone please point me in the right direction or I think this may be my last set.

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