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General Meeroos

Chiiirp! Birrrt! Purrrrrrrr!

I'm terribly sorry that it had to come to this, but these forums are no longer a positive or productive place for communication. They are not an asset to us to glean usable feedback and valuable criticism from. They are not a usable platform for new players to share healthy ideas, suggestions or criticisms. People are grievously and unnecessarily attacked, including staff.

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Catherine's picture

an official warning

I have, for the most part of this experience, enjoyed the familial atmosphere of meeroos. Sure we have our dysfunctional moments but we're all on the same team an want for the same things usually.

But the time has unfortunately come for some solid change and the need for firmer guidelines is evident.

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Mysta Blazewood's picture

Meeroo tips and tricks

Having a problem with your meeroos, or meeroo related item? Here's a list of tips that may help (Hopefully I remembered them all)


If a meeroo is not moving

  • Make sure stump isn't set to frozen
  • Make sure roo isn't in market mode
  • Re-rez the meeroo next to your stump (I always put roos into market mode to remove them from a stump, prior to picking it up..this allows things to reset properly upon re-rez. Just remember to take out of market mode again.)

If all else fails

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You are all welcome to share ideas and thoughts on any subject, but just because you do not agree with something another has stated please do not belittle them. We are all adults here and I am sure we can have a clean grown up debate on things without getting out the torches and pitchforks and bullying people because they don't see things eye to eye with you.

I try to read peoples posts and sometimes I get lost about the topic because after the first few posts it jumps right to being about whose idea is right and whose is wrong.

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Log out of the website.

Close your web browser.

In secondlife - click the you tab on the hud.

Click the green button Top left of the hud.

Dialog will appear to load the URL.

Load the URL.

It will tell you Not allowed cause your not logged in.

Login to that page.

It should refresh the information on the page and you should be able to DL the spreadsheet.

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Malevy Studios Does not take part in the Secondary Market sales of Meeroos so Im sorry to say we will soon be deleting all posts regarding Sales of Meeroos from the forums and ask that if you are looking to Sell a meeroo, Please do it within Secondlife Via one of the many many Sales groups the Users have created for the Secondary Market.

This rule will be added to the Forum Policy Sticky at the top of each forum.

Thank you On behalf of Malevy Studios,

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Miro Collas's picture

Lag: Myths and Reality

I thought I would offer some tips and info on lag. You hear a great deal about lag and what causes it - some of those things are true, some are not.

MYTH: High ARC causes lag.

MYTH: Prims cause lag.

MYTH: Particles cause lag.

FACT: Avatars cause lag.

FACT: heavily scripted attachments cause lag (though far less than an unscripted avatar does).

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We want you to have fun on our forums, we also want you to be able to find information, share information and generally find the forums a useful resource as well as a productive place to be.

We need to have a few house rules that you adhere to. By posting on our forums you agree to:

- Behave in a manner with which you would hope to be treated online, in any Virtual environment and even in real life. If you wouldn't say something to someone's face - you can't say it here!

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Aiot Galaxy's picture

I have a problem...

My breeding facility.. I think I have finally lost it.

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If they do reconstruct the general forum and bring it back, it would be nice to have your own MOD tools so you can delete the thread, lock the thread, besides "sticky"
Oh and if you can re-edit your main post if you're the OP.

So if a thread got bad, you could lock it if its valuable to read, and if it has lots of information, or just delete the thread if things got to worse.

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