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A place to discuss the genetics of meeroos.

Morgaine A's picture

Parents of Tiger Ear

in keeping of the threads like this :)

from a chest thou :(

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Trask Arabello's picture


Vivid well this will be totally, totally spculation as we've not even seen em yet, just a hinting of them coming.
Given that, I cant help but start to think how that will he enacted.

Given that clear doesn't seem to be a separate trait but comes from 2 parents with the same color eye
Given that 2 clear eyes seem to have only rare instances of not producing clear

My speculation would lead me to think that I better start saving up my clear nests to breed the same color clears together.

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I'm gonna start some threads and see what comes of them. if anyone gets/sees any of these new things and is willing to post parents and gens numbers it might help all of us alot as far as where to go with our breeding. We might be able to spot some trends. It might be easiest to post as roo button starter or roo fluffy tail 2nd gen from these parents rather than just a link with a nest id #. This is more for gathering some information rather than posting theories at this point while they are still relatively hard to find. We can use another thread for dissecting it maybe.

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Trask Arabello's picture

Parents of Loch meeroo

I'm gonna start some threads and see what comes of them. if anyone gets/sees any of these new things and is willing to post parents and gens numbers it might help all of us alot as far as where to go with our breeding. We might be able to spot some trends. It might be easiest to post as roo button starter or roo fluffy tail 2nd gen from these parents rather than just a link with a nest id #. This is more for gathering some information rather than posting theories at this point while they are still relatively hard to find. We can use another thread for dissecting it maybe.

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Trask Arabello's picture

parents of Kabuki Koi

I'm gonna start some threads and see what comes of them. if anyone gets/sees any of these new things and is willing to post parents and gens numbers it might help all of us alot as far as where to go with our breeding. We might be able to spot some trends. It might be easiest to post as roo button starter or roo fluffy tail 2nd gen from these parents rather than just a link with a nest id #. This is more for gathering some information rather than posting theories at this point while they are still relatively hard to find. We can use another thread for dissecting it maybe.

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Trask Arabello's picture

Parents of Bushy Tails

I'm gonna start some threads and see what comes of them. if anyone gets/sees any of these new things and is willing to post parents and gens numbers it might help all of us alot as far as where to go with our breeding. We might be able to spot some trends. It might be easiest to post as roo button starter or roo fluffy tail 2nd gen from these parents rather than just a link with a nest id #. This is more for gathering some information rather than posting theories at this point while they are still relatively hard to find. We can use another thread for dissecting it maybe.

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I'm gonna start some threads and see what comes of them. if anyone gets/sees any of these new things and is willing to post parents and gens numbers it might help all of us alot as far as where to go with our breeding. We might be able to spot some trends. It might be easiest to post as roo button starter or roo fluffy tail 2nd gen from these parents rather than just a link with a nest id #. This is more for gathering some information rather than posting theories at this point while they are still relatively hard to find. We can use another thread for dissecting it maybe.

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